AAB team visit to North Macedonia

A team from AAB headed by the General Secretary, Mr. Spiro Brumbulli, visited North Macedonia on July 5 and 6, 2023.  One of the highlights of the visit was the meeting with the Macedonian Credit Bureau (MKB). The Executive member of the Board of Directors and CEO of MCB, Mr. Toni Trajanov, and the team explained and shared his 10-year experience regarding law and regulatory framework, the organization, activities, and the issues identified during this period. The Credit Bureau is founded upon a special Law of Credit Bureau by the Clearing House, as a company in property of the banks. Credit Bureau reports for individuals and businesses are widely accepted by members and evaluated as successful in their activities.

AAB appreciated the model of the Credit Bureau in North Macedonia and found many common points that should be considered in the project for the establishment of the Credit Bureau in Albania.

Part of the visit was the meeting with the Macedonian Banking Association (MBA). Besides sharing some experiences, was emphasized the necessity of collaboration between the two markets and technical level involvement through technical committees, thus creating a ground for the exchange of knowledge and ideas. Parties expressed their commitment to concretize the cooperation in the future.

The meetings took place in a friendly atmosphere and good organization. Thank you MKB and MBA!