Money Week is a world-wide celebration of money, which aims at raising awareness of the young generation to be responsible future citizens and capable of making well-informed financial decisions. All Banking Associations and Partners across the globe, under the co-ordination of Child and Youth Finance International (CYFI) and the European Banking Federation (EBF), organize diverse activities to involve children and young people by learning how to care for money, how to save money, how to think financially, how to understand the changes in the economic systems where they live, how to earn income through entrepreneurship, and set the foundations for their future through financial culture.

Throughout one week in March each year, many activities are held in 20+ countries to promote financial literacy in the country. These activities are organized by AAB in cooperation with Bank of Albania (BSH) and the support of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, the Deposit Insurance Agency (ASD), the Junior Achievement (JA), the National Youth Service (NES), schools, private and public universities, etc.

18-24 March 2024

Protect your money, secure your future!

The Albanian Association of Banks (AAB) in cooperation with the Bank of Albania, the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency, and other partners celebrates Money Week 2024 from March 18-24, under the slogan “Protect your money, secure your future!”.

Participating Organizations

  • Albanian Associations of Banks (AAB)
  • Bank of Albania
  • Ministry of Education and Sports
  • Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ASD)
  • Junior Achievement
  • High schools and elementary schools across the country

more than 4,750 children and young people,
from more than 165 schools at all levels and universities

20-26 March 2023

Manage your money, and cultivate your future

The Albanian Bank Association (AAB), in co-operation with the Bank of Albania and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Sport and the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ADIA), on 20-26 March 2023, celebrated Money Week 2023, under the slogan “Manage your money, cultivate your future!”. During this week, the AAB, together with its associates and partners, is committed to organizing activities aimed at educating the younger generation to make healthy financial plans throughout their lives.

Over 3350 children from 150 schools across the country
Over 540 students from 9 universities…

 21-27 mars 2022, “Tregohu i zgjuar me paranë, ndërto të ardhmen tënde!”

Në datat 21-27 mars 2022, Shoqata Shqiptare të Bankave, në bashkëpunim me Bankën e Shqipërisë dhe me mbështetjen e Ministrisë së Arsimit dhe Sportit dhe Agjencisë së Sigurimit të Depozitave, festojnë Javën e Parasë 2022, nën sloganin “Tregohu i zgjuar me paranë, ndërto të ardhmen tënde!”. Aktivitetet edukative të organizuara gjatë kësaj javë synojnë t’i përfshijnë fëmijët dhe të rinjtë, duke u mësuar si të mendojnë financiarisht.

Mbi 2200 nxënës nga 150 shkolla
Mbi 600 studentë

During the week of 22-28 March 2021, the Bank of Albania (BoA) and the Albanian Association of Banks (AAB), with the support of the Ministry of Education, Sport and Youth (MASR), Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ASD) and other partners, organized various activities, in compliance with national COVID-19 health safety regulations, in order to promote efforts aimed at improving financial literacy of young people.

“Take care of yourself, take care of your money” was the official theme of the Money Week 2021. This theme highlights the importance of building financial resilience and staying healthy in the current context.

The Money Week 2021 actively involved more than 500 pupils and students, from more than 130 schools, at all levels.

During the week of 25-31 March 2019, the Bank of Albania (BoA) and the Albanian Association
of Banks (AAB), with the support of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth (MASR).

Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (ASD) and ANFE organized various activities, aiming to involve as many young people as possible, in order to raise their awareness about financial education issues.

This year’s slogan was: “Too young to speak in old lek!”
The Money Week 2019 actively involved more than 4,000 pupils and students, from more than 90 schools, at all levels.

The Money Week is the global money celebration, which purpose is to raise awareness among the young generation to become responsible future citizens, able to make well-informed financial decisions.

On March 12 -18, 2018 the Money Week was launched in Albania, under the motto “Money matters, matter!”. The activities were organised in cooperation with the Bank of Albania (BoA) and with the support of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth, the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency (DIA), Junior Achievement (JA), National Youth Service (NES), schools, public and non-public universities, etc. with the participation of:

5000 children and young people
55 secondary schools
14 high schools
8 universities
14 cities

27 March – 2 April

Albania Leading organizations: Bank of Albania (BoA), Ministry of Education and Sport, Albanian Banking Association (AAB), Deposit Insurance Agency, Junior Achievement and National Youth Service.

Number of children & young people involved: 2,200 viewed by over 25,000 individuals
Number of participating organizations: 60
Number of activities: 17

14 – 18 March 2016

Albania Leading organizations: Bank of Albania (BoA), Ministry of Social Welfare and
Youth, Albanian Banking Association (AAB), Ministry of Education and Sports.

Number of participating organizations: 21
Number of children reached: 13,000
Number of activities: 16