Opening Ceremony of Money Week 2024
Protect your money, secure your future!

The Albanian Association of Banks (AAB), in cooperation with the Bank of Albania and with the support of the Ministry of Education and Sports and the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency, celebrates Money Week 2024 from March 18-24, under the slogan “Protect your money, secure your future!”.

The opening ceremony of Money Week was held at the premises of the Bank of Albania on March 18, 2024. The event was attended by Mr. Gent Sejko, Governor of the Bank of Albania; Mrs. Ogerta Manastirliu, Minister of Education and Sports; and Mr. Bledar Shella, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Albanian Association of Banks.

During his speech Mr. Shella, AAB Chairman, emphasized the involvement of AAB and banks in joint initiatives and projects and expressed further support for any joint initiative that will contribute to the enhancement of knowledge in money and finance, with priority given to educating new generations. In addition to supporting organized activities and the participation of banking experts in open lectures, Mr. Shella also mentioned the Money Quiz, another initiative and a special project of AAB in collaboration with the Bank of Albania and the Albanian Deposit Insurance Agency, with the endorsement of the Ministry of Education and Sports. The national final will take place on March 20, 2024, with the participation of around 900 students. The winners will represent Albania in the final of the European Money Quiz organized by the European Banking Federation on April 19 in Brussels.

The event proceeded with the award ceremony for the winners of the 5 competitions organized by the Bank of Albania and the Albanian Association of Banks as part of Money Week, previously announced. Member banks of AAB supported these competitions.

  1. The “Best Drawing” competition, where over 350 drawings were submitted for competition by 3rd-grade students from more than 80 9-year schools across Albania. The competition was supported by ABI Bank.
  2. The “Best Project” competition, with a total of 78 projects presented in the competition, was carried out by approximately 2,300 students from 50 9-year schools in the country. Credins Bank supported the competition.
  3. The “Best Photomontage” competition, featuring 76 photomontages made by students from 40 9-year schools nationwide. The competition was supported by Raiffeisen Bank.
  4. The “Best Video” contest, in which 45 videos were presented by 75 students from 27 secondary schools in the country. The competition was supported by Union Bank.
  5. The “Best Essay”. In total, 10 essays were presented in the competition, created by students from 7 public and private universities in the country. The competition was supported by the Banka Kombëtare Tregtare.