High-level meeting between banks and Mastercard executives

13 June

On June 12, 2024, representatives of the Albanian Association of Banks (AAB) Assembly welcomed Mr. Mark Barnett, President of Mastercard Europe, along with other senior executives from the company, in a discussion meeting. This meeting was part of the official visit of Mastercard’s senior representatives to the country and followed high-level discussions with the Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, and the Governor of the Bank of Albania.

During the meeting, Mr. Bledar Shella, President of AAB, presented Mr. Barnett with updates on the banking industry, highlighting the potential for the country’s growth and development in the sector. He emphasized the importance of cooperation on initiatives for financial inclusion and mentioned the high transactional costs associated with card payments as a concern raised by banks.

Participants acknowledged Mastercard’s commitment to a plan that will consider the involvement of all stakeholders to discuss potential projects tailored to the specific characteristics of this market.

The meeting underscored a mutual commitment to advancing financial inclusion and optimizing payment systems to promote the progress of electronic payments, thereby contributing to the country’s financial sector development.