01 Dhjetor 2016 – Në kuadër të strategjisë së AAB për edukimin financiar, si dhe përfshirjes në kurrikulat e Programeve Master të UET, të leksioneve të organizuara me pjesëmarrjen e CEO-ve dhe specialistëve nga fusha të ndryshme, u zhvillua një leksion i hapur, me studentë e pedagogë të Fakultetit Ekonomik në UET.
Dorida Stambolla, Drejtore e Auditit të Brendshëm në Raiffeisen Bank dhe Kryetare e Komitetit të Auditorëve të Brendshëm pranë Shoqatës Shqiptrare të Bankave, e cila ishte e ftuar në leksion, foli mbi auditin bankar, rolin e tij dhe aplikimin e standardeve ndërkombëtare në auditimin e brendshëm.
The Finance Department, Economic Faculty in the University of Tirana, organized on May 27 the second national conference on “The challenges for Albania’s economic Development”. Este activity brings together participants from areas of scientific research, students and economy experts aiming to bring concrete contribution to the sustainable economic and financial development The AAB Secretary General, during his speech on the importance of Financial Education, thanked the team of the Economic Faculty that participated and achieved the first Place in one of the competitions organized during the Money Week.
The Department of Finance at the European University of Tirana (UET) organized on the 26 May the annual forum of the students of this department. In the forum were presented several essays on a particular issue, related to banking and finance. The forum is organized in the form of a contest, where 3 presentations are awarded by the Commission. This year, the second- place winner of the “Financial Forum: The best essay” was rewarded by the AAB.
AAB, on March 23, joined the event organized by Junior Achievement Albania (JA). During the day, AAB welcomed a high-school student, who followed all business day the agenda of the Secretary General in all meetings. The student was introduced to the staff that works with the leader and was given an overview of the structure of the hosting institution.